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Tales from the Farm February 2021

February 14, 2021



Visioning a new year.....

 With a mild winter and a little time to rest, all is well on the farm.  We are grateful.
  This newsletter comes to you a little earlier than planned but we wanted to give you a quick update of all that we are planning for the year and a reminder that NOW is the time to purchase your 2021 Farm Shares

  Here's a little preview of the year ahead: a third camp site and new walking trails for Graceful Acres Farmstay, a water system and stream crossing for the cows and a new website for all!  Also, we plan on hosting our 1st Annual Farm Share Owner Burger Night this fall in appreciation of all your support.  More details to come in following newsletters!
   There are no changes to this month's Resource Box....1) because the last message and resources felt fitting for the new year and 2) because Elizabeth has been curled on the couch reading novels trying to relax in her free time :) From December's newsletter....  Even though some of the resources are about farming (we assume you aren't aspiring to farm) it seems important that you truly understand what you are investing in and the true impact of your investment.  It is easy to feel insignificant and think that your choices don't matter but every choice you makes has an impact....good or bad.  What if we ALL took our choices seriously and stayed true to our values?

  We hope you have found comfort in the cold, dark days and the chance to turn inside. As we are guided to more light (1 minute a day) and into a new year, here is a little inspiration from one of Brad's favorite hunting podcasts' ...... "we can all be better than that (Washington in early January)....we have an incredible opportunity in 2021.... to be better to each other, to ourselves to our communities...be those animal communities, plant communities or gut bacteria communities, for that matter."  Thank you for being part of our community and challenging us to be better.

Much love,

Elizabeth and Brad
2021 Farm Shares

We are taking orders!
February and March are when we make our commitments for animals to raise for the year. Please place order at Otter Creek Online Farm Store as soon as possible.
Thank you for choosing Graceful Acres as your local farmer and food provider! We are so excited to partner with you. .

What is a Farm Share?

A Farm Share directly connects farmers to consumers and consumers to their food.

  • YOU get to invest directly into the farm by owning part of the animals that provide you food.
  • YOU create a local economy and community.
  • YOU benefit from discount/ bulk prices.
  • YOU order it and we raise it.
  • FARMER only grows what is sold.
  • FARMER has working capital pre-season.
  • FARMER can grow how and what customers want.
  • ALL are nourishing a relationship between humans, animals and the soil.

Please remember that you are asking us to grow your food. You will need to order now. You may need extra freezer space. Your shopping budget will be spent up front for a large portion of the years meat. Dinner has never been easier when you just have to go to the freezer to thaw the meat you'd like to eat and grab a few fresh veggies from the garden, a Farmer's Market or the grocery.

We are proud to have received Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) and  Certified Grassfed certification from A Greener World (AGW).   AGW has the most thorough animal welfare guidelines as well as stringent 100% grassfed protocols.  Following a farm audit by a technician from Texas we received notice of approval.  This is a very important part of our farm's mission and goal to produce nutritious, quality pastured meat.  Not only do we believe we are doing our part in properly raising food animals we also believe in and appreciate the part YOU are doing by supporting farmers like us.  2021 Farm Shares are available at Otter Creek Online Farm Store.  We SOLD OUT early this year so please be sure to get your orders in as soon as possible.  Thank you to ALL of our supporters!
Resource box
Full of informative and sometimes fun articles and videos.

The Dorito Effect- The Surprising New Truth About Food and Flavor
Holy Cows and Hog Heaven: A Food Buyers Guide- By Joel Salatin
The Contagion Myth -Sally Fallon Morrell and Dr. Tom Cowan
Omnivore's Dilemma- Micheal Pollan
Prime Act- GET INVOLVED! Send a note to your congressman/ woman to implement the Prime Act which will allow farmers like us to sell healthy meats processed at a local, custom butcher.
Guide to Grass-fed Beef

Secret Ingredients- a great documentary following a "healthy" family through their journey of awareness.
Sacred Cow- The case for better meat
Food, Inc- The reality of our food system
100,000 Beating Hearts
Farmers Footprint


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