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OCF Cattle, LLC

OCF Cattle, LLC markets quality 100% grass-fed cattle and beef to create value while being committed to the stewardship of the land.

About our business

OCF Cattle, LLC is a new business in 2020. OCF Cattle is operated as a custom 100% grass-fed cow/calf operation selling quality grass genetics as feeder calves to Northeast grass-fed finishing programs. The business is owned/operated by R. Elizabeth Collins and Bradley P. Wiley who leases 250 acres of hay and pasture land from Otter Creek Farm, in Johnsonville, NY.

Winter cow.jpg

About our cows

In 2018, we started our herd with Red Angus cows purchased from Karl and Sue Palmer of Sugar Daddy Ranch in Hamilton, NY. In the spring of 2019, we purchased the remaining cows from the Estate of Charles Jackson lll in West Haven, VT. Most of our cows are registered Red Angus heavily influenced by the Beckton Red Angus herd, known as the foundation herd for the Red Angus breed.


About our calves

Each year in April and May we sell about 30 feeders between 650-750 live weight. Feeder stock will be contracted for a set price/# and calves will be weighed the day of pick-up.

How our calves are produced:

  • We raise 100% grass-fed cattle profitably by working with nature and reducing overhead costs
  • Summer calving (May-June)
  • Wean at 6-8 months and sell at 11 months old
  • Registered RA Bull and short breed season August-October
  • We carefully manage 120 acres of pasture using adaptive grazing principles
  • Animals are moved every day or multiple times per day in the afternoons while brix are increased (energy). Supplemental feed, consisting of high quality mixed hay, free choice minerals and apple cider vinegar.

How we background our feeder stock:

The pre-shipping (backgrounding) protocol for calves being sold is:

  • Injection of Multi-Min 90 and Vita A&D.
  • All animals will have access to PDQ Rescue (kelp, vitamins and minerals) in their water for one week before transportation.
  • A conventional protocol can be established and all costs will be added as a premium dollar/pound charged.

We believe Healthy Soils = Healthy Animals = Healthy People

Certified Animal Welfare Approved

by A Greener World

*The only truly pasture-based welfare label: no cages, crates or feedlots. Not even Certified Organic can offer this assurance.

*Certifies only independent farms: AGW has no financial incentive in certification, resulting in an unrivaled level of independence in auditing.

*The only certifier in the U.S. to ensure audited, high-welfare animal management and slaughter.

What this means for you:

Meat, dairy and eggs from animals raised outdoors on pasture or range have known benefits for our health and the environment.

No added hormones or subtherapeutic antibiotics: Our standards promote and guarantee responsible farming practices.

Meaningful animal welfare standards: No teeth clipping, tail docking, dehorning or beak trimming—all common industrial practices.

Transparent and independent: Standards, policies and procedures are all publicly available.

Certified Grassfed

by A Greener World

*Ruminant animals raised outdoors on pasture or range for their entire lives, with a 100 percent grass and forage diet.

*Animals raised according to the highest animal welfare and environmental standards. o High-welfare handling, transport and slaughter of animals—including an annual review of slaughter facilities.

What this means for you:

Healthy, sustainable food: Grassfed products from animals raised outdoors on pasture and range and fed a 100 percent grass and forage diet have known benefits for our health and the environment.

No added hormones or subtherapeutic antibiotics: Certified Grassfed by AGW standards promote and guarantee responsible farming practices.

Transparent and independent: All standards and policies are publicly available.

The only grassfed label farmers, retailers and consumers can really trust: Not all grassfed certifications are meeting consumer expectations and some continue to permit highly questionable practices—including the confinement of ‘grassfed’ animals on dirt feedlots.

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