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Summer Egg Share- Saratoga or Farm P/U

Otter Creek Farm

1 Share | 15 Dozen = $102.00 + $0.00 Assembly
1 Half Share | 8 Dozen = $55.00 + $0.00 Assembly

Save with a weekly or bi-weekly delivery of 1 dozen eggs and enjoy the abundance of summer. Our hens are moved daily to fresh and diverse pasture which ensures a nutrient dense egg for you to enjoy. 2024 Summer Share is offered in Saratoga or farm pick-up from July 24- Oct. 30th. P/U address will be disclosed at time of purchase or you may contact Elizabeth for those details. Pick-up is every Wednesday after 3pm.
*When ordering, select the first date of pick-up. If needed, we will prorate the Share price.

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